The Itinerary is made up of of  24 courses in different areas. This Itinerary aims to introduce the gender perspective in the training of the University of Vigo’s university community.

The proposal was made by the Equality Unit e and the Vice-rectorate for Teaching Staff, Teaching and Programmes of the University of Vigo, with the financial support of the State Pact against Gender Violence. The coordination and monitoring of this training action is carried out by the Equality Unit.

You can do these training actions in the order you prefer. If you have no previous training, we suggest you start with Introduction to the gender perspective in order to better understand some basic concepts about gender.

The courses of the Itinerary are grouped into five themes:

1.Introduction to gender training.
2.Sex-affective education
3.Science, technology and gender
4.Equality policies
5.New reflections on sex/gender

Each completed course, within the specified deadline for each edition, will be recognized with ECTS credits according to its duration. The Unidade de Igualdade management will issue a written diploma stating that you have successfully completed the course. In addition, at the end of a course, you will be able to download the EU TEÑO FORMACIÓN EN IGUALDADE digital badge.

The badge

People who complete the courses of the Training Itinerary will be able to download the badge EU TEÑO FORMACIÓN EN IGUALDADE and will be able to use it on their website, in their profiles on social networks or in any other digital documentation in which they want to highlight this training.

This badge makes visible the training received in gender equality issues and the active commitment to have quality training and information that helps us to move towards a more egalitarian society.